Upcoming Events
Join us for the Next DTC Meeting!
Ledyard Democrats Monthly Meeting Upcoming dates:
4th MONDAYS of each month, 6 PM
January 27
February 24
March 24
April 28
May 26
June 23
July 28
August 25
Sept. 22
October 27
Nov. 24
If you are interested in attending our meetings or becoming a member, email [email protected] for more information and to get the meeting link to join virtually.
4th MONDAYS of each month, 6 PM
January 27
February 24
March 24
April 28
May 26
June 23
July 28
August 25
Sept. 22
October 27
Nov. 24
If you are interested in attending our meetings or becoming a member, email [email protected] for more information and to get the meeting link to join virtually.
Past Events
Fall Fest with Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz
Saturday, October 21, 2-4 pm
Gales Ferry Community Center 18 Hurlbutt Rd, Gales Ferry Join us for drinks in many flavors, music, raffles, snacks, and fun fall-themed activities! A great opportunity to meet the Democratic candidates for Ledyard Town Council and Board of Education! Drinks (non-alcoholic) will include: Apple Pie Punch Hot Chocolate Candy Corn Punch Snacks will include: Apple Dipping Bar and other fun treats! RSVP BY MAKING A DONATION AT bit.ly/LedyardDTCDonate (optional) Suggested donation: $25+ Facebook event page Confirmed guests: Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz State Senator Cathy Osten State Representative Kevin Ryan Town Councilor Naomi Rodriguez and Town Council candidates Ledyard BOE members and candidates Invited Guests: Senator Chris Murphy Senator Richard Blumenthal Congressman Joe Courtney Governor Ned Lamont Attorney General William Tong Secretary of State Stephanie Thomas Treasurer Erick Russell Comptroller Sean Scanlon |
Meet the Candidates Saturday, Sept. 16!
Coffee with the Candidates
Saturday, September 16, 10-11 am
Meet up at Lucille's, 740 Colonel Ledyard Hwy, Ledyard
❤️ Meet candidates, share your opinions about our town, and hear their ideas/why they’re running!
At 11, candidates will go out canvassing to speak with our neighbors and make sure everyone knows to vote on November 7! All volunteers welcome to join!
We will also support the Ledyard Lions’ effort for Veterans Stand Down (September 22nd).
At our Meet the Candidates event, we will collect items to donate to Ledyard Lions for veterans.
They are collecting:
- Hats, Gloves, Hoodies, Socks, Underwear, T-shirts (short and long sleeved).
- Personal Hygiene kits for both men and women.
- Hand sanitizer, face masks.
- Non-perishable food items, gift cards for supermarkets and department stores.
Please bring these items with you when you come to Lucille’s on 9/16 and we will donate everything that is collected!
Saturday, September 16, 10-11 am
Meet up at Lucille's, 740 Colonel Ledyard Hwy, Ledyard
❤️ Meet candidates, share your opinions about our town, and hear their ideas/why they’re running!
At 11, candidates will go out canvassing to speak with our neighbors and make sure everyone knows to vote on November 7! All volunteers welcome to join!
We will also support the Ledyard Lions’ effort for Veterans Stand Down (September 22nd).
At our Meet the Candidates event, we will collect items to donate to Ledyard Lions for veterans.
They are collecting:
- Hats, Gloves, Hoodies, Socks, Underwear, T-shirts (short and long sleeved).
- Personal Hygiene kits for both men and women.
- Hand sanitizer, face masks.
- Non-perishable food items, gift cards for supermarkets and department stores.
Please bring these items with you when you come to Lucille’s on 9/16 and we will donate everything that is collected!
Ledyard Democrats invite you to join us for Game Night!
Game Night with Ledyard Democrats and Town Commission Members
August 26, 4-6 pm At Holdridge Pavilion, Ledyard Center Facebook Event Page Cost: Free!
This event is FREE and all are welcome. Donations to the Ledyard Democratic Town Committee to help cover costs and support our municipal campaign are gratefully accepted at LedyardDTC.com/donate. |
PIZZA and POLITICS! Ledyard DTC fundraiser June 9

Hear an update on Gales Ferry's future outlook on education, environment, and economic developments.
What does the future hold for Gales Ferry and Ledyard?
Confirmed guests:
Congressman Joe Courtney
Senator Cathy Osten
Representative Kevin Ryan
The Ledyard Democratic Town Committee invites you to join us for a DTC fundraiser:
June 9, 2023
6 PM
Gales Ferry Fire House
1772 CT-12, Gales Ferry, CT 06335
Facebook event page HERE
Donations of $12 or more to the Ledyard DTC will reserve your spot!
Your donation will include 2 pizza slices and a drink!
(for more than one person, enter names in the "comments" section)
Reserve your spot with a donation of $12 or more at bit.ly/LedyardDTCDonate
Donations/Reservations can also be made by CHECK - information at LedyardDTC.com/donate.
Reserve your spot with a donation of $12 or more at bit.ly/LedyardDTCDonate
Donations/Reservations can also be made by CHECK - information at LedyardDTC.com/donate.

We will hold a 50/50 raffle at our 6/9 Pizza and Politics event, and you do NOT need to attend to win!
Raffle tickets: $5 per ticket or 5 tickets for $20
Purchase tickets by donating $5 per ticket or $20 for 5 tickets at bit.ly/LedyardDTCDonate.
In the comments, put "for raffle tickets".
(To also attend the event, donate $12+ per person and comment "for event and raffle tickets".
The winning ticket wins HALF of the total money collected for the raffle!
The raffle drawing will take place at 7:45 pm on Friday, June 9.
More info at the Facebook Event Page.
Raffle tickets: $5 per ticket or 5 tickets for $20
Purchase tickets by donating $5 per ticket or $20 for 5 tickets at bit.ly/LedyardDTCDonate.
In the comments, put "for raffle tickets".
(To also attend the event, donate $12+ per person and comment "for event and raffle tickets".
The winning ticket wins HALF of the total money collected for the raffle!
The raffle drawing will take place at 7:45 pm on Friday, June 9.
More info at the Facebook Event Page.
Hike and Hot Dogs
Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/1GyGuJGUn Join the Ledyard DTC for a gentle hike at Colonel Ledyard Park in Ledyard center! This is a great opportunity to meet/see your neighbors, enjoy one of Ledyard's outdoor gems, and meet environmental champions who are running for state legislative offices.
Ledyard DTC members will GRILL a cook out for attendees from 11:30-1. Hamburgers, hot dogs, fruit, cookies and more will be served. Participants are welcome to attend either the hike or the lunch or both. There is NO CHARGE for this lunch! Donations to the Ledyard DTC are always welcome. More information about Colonel Ledyard Park at: Ledyard Parks & Rec AllTrails |
This is a great opportunity to meet/see your neighbors, enjoy one of Ledyard's outdoor gems, and meet some of the environmental champions who are running for state legislative offices.
The CT League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) recently released its annual scorecard, grading all CT legislators on bills considered important to the CTLCV. The results were summarized in a recent article from The Day.
Local Democrats:
Local Republicans:
Working at the state level to combat climate change and protect our natural resources with smart policies like those highlighted by CTLCV is a goal we can all share, especially in light of the recent heat wave that swept the state.
The CT League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) recently released its annual scorecard, grading all CT legislators on bills considered important to the CTLCV. The results were summarized in a recent article from The Day.
Local Democrats:
- Senator Cathy Osten scored 93%
- Representative Chris Conley scored 90%
- Rep. Kevin Ryan scored 100%
Local Republicans:
- Rep. Greg Howard scored 73%
- Rep. Brian Lanoue received a dismal score of 17%
- Rep. Mike France earned a score of 18% and a spot in the ‘Out of Sync With the Environment’ group
Working at the state level to combat climate change and protect our natural resources with smart policies like those highlighted by CTLCV is a goal we can all share, especially in light of the recent heat wave that swept the state.
Wonderful Evening at Holmberg's :
Great Company, Food, Music, and Dance!

Thank you SO much to everyone who joined us last night at Holmberg's Orchards! So many Ledyard Democrats supported this event, whether by attending, purchasing raffle drawing tickets, or donating even if you couldn't attend!
Thank you:
Holmberg Orchards & Winery, Gourmet Galley, Dance Country and DJ PIX.
All the DTC members who organized the event, donated prizes, or helped in so many other ways! Our members supported many local businesses through this event!
Senator Cathy Osten and State Representative Christine Conley for attending and supporting the Ledyard DTC!
Congratulations to all of our Raffle Drawing Winners!
Did you miss the event but still want to support the Ledyard Democrats? Donate $5 or more at ledyarddtc.com/donate, and thank you!
Enjoy these pictures and we look forward to seeing you again at Holmberg's next year and at our other upcoming events!
Thank you:
Holmberg Orchards & Winery, Gourmet Galley, Dance Country and DJ PIX.
All the DTC members who organized the event, donated prizes, or helped in so many other ways! Our members supported many local businesses through this event!
Senator Cathy Osten and State Representative Christine Conley for attending and supporting the Ledyard DTC!
Congratulations to all of our Raffle Drawing Winners!
Did you miss the event but still want to support the Ledyard Democrats? Donate $5 or more at ledyarddtc.com/donate, and thank you!
Enjoy these pictures and we look forward to seeing you again at Holmberg's next year and at our other upcoming events!
What a fun and delicious event! THANK YOU to everyone who came out yesterday, despite the chilly weather!
Results of the highly anticipated COOKIE CONTEST - which was determined using RANKED CHOICE VOTING, of course!
🏆The top vote-getter was the 🎃 pumpkin raisin cookie by April Kneads Dough! With a close follow by the chocolate caramel sea salt cookie by Zest Coffee Bar.
Thank you to all our guests and speakers:
Congressman Joe Courtney
Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz
State Senator Cathy Osten
State Representative Kevin Ryan
State Senate (18th district) candidate Farouk Rajab
Preston Democratic Town Committee
Montville Democrats
Preston First Selectwoman Sandra Allyn-Gauthier
Preston Selectman Jerry Grabarek
Montville Town Councilor Tim May
Ledyard Town Councilor Mary McGrattan
Ledyard Town Councilor Naomi Rodriguez
Ledyard Town Councilor Bill Saums
Ledyard BOE Member Alex Rode
And many more!
Results of the highly anticipated COOKIE CONTEST - which was determined using RANKED CHOICE VOTING, of course!
🏆The top vote-getter was the 🎃 pumpkin raisin cookie by April Kneads Dough! With a close follow by the chocolate caramel sea salt cookie by Zest Coffee Bar.
Thank you to all our guests and speakers:
Congressman Joe Courtney
Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz
State Senator Cathy Osten
State Representative Kevin Ryan
State Senate (18th district) candidate Farouk Rajab
Preston Democratic Town Committee
Montville Democrats
Preston First Selectwoman Sandra Allyn-Gauthier
Preston Selectman Jerry Grabarek
Montville Town Councilor Tim May
Ledyard Town Councilor Mary McGrattan
Ledyard Town Councilor Naomi Rodriguez
Ledyard Town Councilor Bill Saums
Ledyard BOE Member Alex Rode
And many more!
Meet the Candidates! SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2021 AT 1 PM – 4 PM at Holdridge Pavilion, 740 Colonel Ledyard Hwy, Ledyard, CT Facebook Event Page: https://fb.me/e/2pFxOZyBJ Please join the Ledyard Democratic Town Committee for an afternoon of meeting the candidates for Ledyard Town Council and Board of Education plus good food and good company! Meet up at Holdridge Pavilion anytime between 1-4 pm. The DTC will provide a barbecue meal, snacks, and drinks. Drinks and snacks will be individually portioned, while the barbecue will be served by a volunteer. Guests are welcome to bring their own food if they are more comfortable eating their own food for safety/health reasons. Kids are very welcome! Family-friendly event. Learn all about the candidates at www.ledyarddtc.com/candidates! Donations to cover the cost of food and campaign related expenses are welcome, but not required. Donations can be made at www.bit.ly/LedyardDTCDonate. Confirmed attendees: Ledyard Town Council candidates Ledyard Board of Education candidates State Senator Cathy Osten State Representative Christine Conley Paid for by the Ledyard DTC and Joanne Kelley. Joanne Kelley, Treasurer. Monday August 16, 6 pm VIRTUAL Book club discussing The Three Mothers: how the Mothers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and James Baldwin shaped a nation, by Anna Malaika Tubbs For this meet up, we discussed the book The Three Mothers: how the Mothers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and James Baldwin shaped a nation, by Anna Malaika Tubbs. The book discussion was facilitated by Ledyard DTC member Nicole Cruz-Glacken. The Three Mothers can be found at Ledyard's Libraries or purchased at one of these bookstores: https://www.shopblackct.com/black-owned-bookstores.html or https://shoppeblack.us/2020/03/black-owned-online-bookstores1/ July 12: CT's Zoning Reform Bill: A Conversation with Sara Bronin of Desegregate CT Monday, July 12, 5:30-7 pm Please join the Ledyard Democratic Town Committee for a virtual conversation with Sara Bronin, founder of Desegregate CT. Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/1yqc40gyL Legislators passed House Bill 6107, a bill that includes key zoning & housing reforms to increase affordability and equity in CT! The new law legalizes accessory dwelling units, caps excessive parking requirements, develops a model form-based code, defines character by physical standards, mandates training for land use commissioners, clarifies technical standards, defines "as-of-right," eliminates unreasonable application fees, and requires towns to affirmatively further fair housing and address housing disparities. Join us to learn about this bill, how it relates to our/your town, and what you can do to help! June 19: Ledyard Democrats' 5K Walk/Run Fundraiser Please join us for a 5K walk/run to benefit the Ledyard Democrats’ 2021 Municipal Election Campaign and LEAF! Join us for a joint, in-person casual hike on Saturday June 19 at 10 am at Nathan Lester House. (Facebook event page: www.bit.ly/LedyardDemocrats5KJune19) OR run or walk a 5K anytime between June 12-20 on your own (Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/1IAMwdKV2) How it Works: 1. Register for the event by donating $20 to the Ledyard DTC at http://bit.ly/LedyardDTCDonate. $10 will help fund the Ledyard Democrats’ campaign for this November’s Board of Education and Town Council election. The Ledyard DTC will donate $10 of your registration fee to Ledyard Educational Advancement Foundation (LEAF) --> As a thank you for your donation, you will receive a decorative magnet (see the #LedyardCentered design on right)! 2. Join us for a joint, in-person casual hike on Saturday June 19 at 10 am at Nathan Lester House OR Run or walk a 5K anytime between June 12-20 on your own! Why this week? We are celebrating/honoring many things: Month of June:
Ledyard Democrats Participate in Town-Wide Clean Up When: Saturday May 1, 10 am Where: Meet at the Nathan Lester House, 153 Vinegar Hill Rd, Gales Ferry, CT, parking lot at 10 AM; we will pick up litter and debris along Long Cove Road. The Ledyard Democratic Town Committee is doing our part to make our town beautiful! Join the Ledyard Democrats this Saturday, May 1, as we participate in the Ledyard Beautification Committee's Earth Day Clean up events! All are encouraged to participate. Ledyard Democrats will provide gloves and bring pickers and bags, courtesy of Southeastern Connecticut Regional Resources Recovery Authority (SCRRRA). Masks are required and social distancing protocols will be followed. More information is available by contacting [email protected], or visit Ledyard DTC at www.ledyarddtc.com or on social media @LedyardCTDems. Ledyard Democrats Open Mic Night! APRIL 10 6-8 PM: virtual event via GoToMeeting. It’s been a year since our lives changed due to COVID-19 - let’s de-stress and have fun! At this virtual fundraiser for the Ledyard Democrats to fund this year’s municipal campaign, each of us will have the opportunity to speak and make our voices heard. Come share your spoken word, poetry, or just speak from your heart. Guest speakers include: U.S. Representative Joe Courtney, State Senator Cathy Osten, State Representative Christine Conley, New London City Councilor Curtis Goodwin, City of Groton Mayoral candidate Aundre Bumgardner, and New London City Councilor Efrain Domínguez. This event will also feature a Silent Auction! Make a $10 donation (or more if you’re able to) at http://bit.ly/LedyardDTCDonate, and we will email you the link to join the event! Students are welcome to attend free - just email [email protected] to ask for the event link. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/LedyardOpenMicNight on Facebook or email [email protected]! |